Monday, April 25, 2011

Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare.

No jewellery to show off this week.  We spent our time with Monica Harhay honing our marketing and portfolio skills.  Unexpectedly, it was an awesome week!  What a great and generous source of information she is!  She tailored her feedback very specifically to each of our needs, and we all learned a lot because of it.  We had a short afternoon session with Tammy Rea, who took us on a whirlwind tour of manipulating photos in Word, as well as introducing us to Weebly: a free and easy site to set up your own website.  Many of us had been dreading this week of classroom work, but I believe we were all pleasantly surprised at how engaging the course work was.

And then it was time to say goodbye!  We had an impromptu dance party in the glassblowing studio (they joined us for this last course), which was a great ending to a great 15 weeks in a great school.  And then we drifted off in several different directions, with email addresses and facebook connections exchanged with those that had made an impact, and memories to savour from everyone else. 

I had been waiting for the timing of the deer and I to coincide so I could see them, and not just their footprints, right up close to my house, and finally on my last day, they came up out of the woods!  And they weren't too shy either, as I got out of my car and walked up to my door, keeping a safe dozen or so feet from me, but not running away! I packed my car to the brim, (it was a little like playing Tetris and was actually quite fun on such a gorgeous evening) before picking up H from the bus. 

And now we journey home on a mostly direct path, but fitting in some interesting sights and food, (always have to think about the food,) but that's for next week's post.  Cheerio, readers, and jewellers-well-met alike. Hope you're all having a good week transitioning back to "real" life.

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